It's been awhile since I have posted, a great deal has happened within my life in the almost year it was been since my last post, and God is teaching me constantly to rely on His timing, His ways, His plan. Always.
I feel a lot like ole Mary and her friends these days. Our family has faced a trial that has tested our faith and stretched our trust. In this Scripture, the women were waiting and watching as Jesus was wrapped in linen cloth and laid within the tomb. I imagine Mary Magdalene to be grief-stricken and devastated as she watched. The Savior, whom had come to save them all, dead..... laid to rest. I'm sure she felt hurt, maybe betrayed, confused. These are the exact feelings I have been faced with recently. And if I am honest, a little angry at the overall situation- yet knowing I have a job to do. As the woman usually does- she picks up the pieces and carries on with life, while dealing with her array of emotions as they come and when she has time to deal with them.
And yet...
And yet, God is in the miracle business. What Mary didn't seem to expect is for Jesus to raise from the dead. I mean, yeah- he had told his disciples and followers this- but they didn't really believe it. In their minds- for all intents and purposes- this was the end. We even see them in Scripture showing up at the tomb again several days later to check on things and continue with final burial rituals.
But as we know, it WASN'T the end. God had far bigger plans to restore the human race, and if he can restore a whole people- this gives hope to my own situation. God calls and speaks to us daily, but often we are too loud, too stubborn, too proud to really stop and listen. I pray that we would not be Mary sitting in a hopeless stupor, seeing nothing good to come from the situations we find ourselves in; but instead we be Mary who knows that despite what reality may seem like- God is in the details.... you just have to look for them. And trust.